This tutorial is primarily intended for Oxygen sites, which disables the default WordPress theme system, but there may be other instances where this is helpful.
When you’re building a site in Oxygen, or creating a theme, you may notice that some standard Theme Support features are no longer available. While this can be annoying at first, most of these are fairly easy to add with the WordPress add_theme_support function.
The Theme Support features in WordPress are a set of standard theme settings in WordPress that make it easy to standardize parts of your website no matter what theme our page builder you are using
Here are a few examples:
One of the more common themes supports you want to add back to your site is Feeds. Adding feed support allows users and RSS feed readers to easily subscribe to your site and may be added with the following code:
add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
Another great example is customizing image sizes. I won’t go into depth on this in this tutorial as there are a few great community resources out there for this topic:
While not used often, Post Formats is another feature that is used on occasion. This can be enabled via the post-formats option for add_theme_support:
add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array( 'aside', 'gallery' ) );
You can see WordPress for a complete list of available post formats.
There’s not a ton to discuss here as the topic is pretty straightforward, and that’s all for now.
Happy Voyages!