ACF Archive Dynamic Data For Oxygen

This code will add a new Dynamic Data option to get ACF Archive fields in Oxygen.


  1. You can add this code to your site by installing your preferred snippets plugin, such as WP Code Box, and copy/paste the PHP code below into a new snippet.
  2. You should then see a new Dynamic Data option called “ACF Archive Field”.
  3. After you select that Dynamic Data field, enter the Field Name (not Label) of the ACF field, and everything should work.

function Code

 * ACF Archive Dynamic Data
 * @param array $dynamic_data - the ACF field name/slug 
 * @return array $dynamic_data - the results of getting the ACF field
add_filter('oxygen_custom_dynamic_data', 'bitt_acf_archive_data', 10, 1);

if (!function_exists('bitt_acf_archive_data')) {

	function bitt_acf_archive_data($dynamic_data)

		$properties[] = array(
			'name' => __('ACF Field Name', 'oxygen-codebitt'),
			'data' => 'acf_name',
			'type' => 'text',

		//Add Content Option
		$content_data = array(
			'name' => __('ACF Archive Field', 'oxygen-codebitt'),
			'mode' => 'content',
			'position' => 'Archive',
			'data' => 'acf_archive_field',
			'handler' => 'bitt_acf_get_field',
			'properties' => $properties

		$dynamic_data[] = $content_data;

		//Add Image Option
		$image_data = array(
			'name' => __('ACF Archive Field', 'oxygen-codebitt'),
			'mode' => 'image',
			'position' => 'Archive',
			'data' => 'acf_archive_field',
			'handler' => 'bitt_acf_get_field',
			'properties' => $properties

		$dynamic_data[] = $image_data;

		//Add Link Option
		$link_data = array(
			'name' => __('ACF Archive Field', 'oxygen-codebitt'),
			'mode' => 'link',
			'position' => 'Archive',
			'data' => 'acf_archive_field',
			'handler' => 'bitt_acf_get_field',
			'properties' => $properties

		$dynamic_data[] = $link_data;

		//Add Custom Field Option
		$custom_data = array(
			'name' => __('ACF Archive Field', 'oxygen-codebitt'),
			'mode' => 'custom-field',
			'position' => 'Archive',
			'data' => 'acf_archive_field',
			'handler' => 'bitt_acf_get_field',
			'properties' => $properties

		$dynamic_data[] = $custom_data;

		//Add Image ID Option
		$image_id_data = array(
			'name' => __('ACF Archive Field', 'oxygen-codebitt'),
			'mode' => 'image-id',
			'position' => 'Archive',
			'data' => 'acf_archive_field',
			'handler' => 'bitt_acf_get_field',
			'properties' => $properties

		$dynamic_data[] = $image_id_data;

		return $dynamic_data;

if (!function_exists('bitt_acf_get_field')) {
	 * ACF Archive Dynamic Data
	 * @param array $atts - the ACF field name/slug 
	 * @return array $data - the results of getting the ACF field
	function bitt_acf_get_field($atts)

		// If ACF is deactivated, return nothing
		if (!class_exists('acf')) {
			return '';

		// Get and store the query object
		global $wp_query;
		$oxy_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();

		// Check and store the ACF field if the queried object exists. 
		if ($oxy_obj) {
			$data = get_field($atts['acf_name'], $oxy_obj->taxonomy . '_' . $oxy_obj->term_id);

		// If the ACF field has data, display it
		if ($data) {
			return $data;

		// display nothing if we get no results
		return '';
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